Friday, September 23, 2011

New Solar Technology Is Coming !!

Hello everyone, I would like to introduce you guys a new emerging solar technology which is Organic Photovoltaic Cell (OPV). What is OPV? It's a transparent and flexible plastic solar panel with more potential application and development in generating renewable energy from the sun. Compared to the solid solar panel made by silicon, its flexibility, light, appearance, lower manufacturing cost characteristics have been paid close attention to its potentials and applications. 

This is OPV:

How could this plastic thing to make an overwhelming impact on solar energy industry? I concluded the excellence of OPV products as follows:
1. Flexibility: Good flexibility and light-weight of OPV allow easy integration into various shapes and surfaces.
2. Low-Cost: OPV are much less expensive to produce due to the low cost of materials, as well as a relatively simple manufacturing process.
3. Better Low-Light Performance: OPV perform very well under low and indirect light, including indoors and cloudy outdoors, which is ideal for portable electronics applications as these devices are mostly used indoors, as well as for BIPV applications.
4. Color and Transparency: OPV can be made in different colors and can also be made transparent. This gives greater freedom to product designer and architects.
5. Non-toxic: No toxic materials are used in manufacturing OPV which makes them truly green.
6. Disposability: OPV are made from polymers, which constitutes most of the material in the module making them easy to dispose and recycle.

To further discuss, how can we use this advantages that OPVs have to develop more applications? In next week, I will show you guys what are the application that OPV could reach to improve our life and generate more solar power to save the earth.

Thank you for your review :)
